The Melbourne Rainbow Band and Saint John’s East Malvern present a concert exploring some of life’s most significant moments, with music……
…For Weddings (and a Funeral)
This concert will be the debut of the MRB’s new musical director, Tracy Videon, and features a program inspired by the 1994 British romantic comedy which will take us musically on an emotional roller coaster through works of great composers of past centuries such as Mendelssohn, Handel and Wagner, as well as those of more recent masters such as Derek Bourgeois and Alfred Reed.
From Purcell to Ravel, Parry to Barry, Gloria Gaynor to Elton John. Hearts will sing as we ponder the fact that in love, as in death, we should all be equal.
Saturday, September 17 @ 7:30pm
Saint John’s East Malvern
5 Finch Street
East Malvern