Sydney Mardi Gras – Oxford Street

March 1, 2008

Twenty four of our hottest members managed to schlep themselves up to Sydney for the homo night of nights and shake their booty!  We all did a hell of a job swinging our hips and funky tunes up and down the parade not once but twice.

Beginning with foreplay and a few temporary rainbow tattoos, we marched in style thanks to the training of our drill sergeant Andrew, our suave drum major Greg, and the smooth grooves of our incredibly sexy percussion section. Then came Mardi Gras and at 9pm, covered in glow sticks, we strutted our stuff, played our horns and waved our flags for the thousands of cheering fans down oxford street.

Apart from a few of us being naughty and breaking rank to sneak kisses from the crowd, we hit our mark, do-si-do’d, side-stepped and marched as though we’d been doing it for years.

Special thanks to the 5 volunteers who marched with us, waving flags and carrying banners and generally ensuring that we stood out as much as possible.

Twenty four of our hottest members managed to schlep themselves up to Sydney for the homo night of nights and shake their booty! We all did a hell of a job swinging our hips and funky tunes up and down the parade not once but twice

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