The MRB kicked-off Midsumma Carnival with a 45 minute performance on the Shuttlecock stage.
Our second performance for the day was in the perfect spot – shaded and sheltered from six competing stage sound systems. The MRB had a ‘look at moi’ moment and paraded from our display stall to the performance area in double file, attracting as much attention as possible. We then performed two intimate 20-minute shows.
Feedback from these performances was excellent, and we hope that they will again be a part of the Carnival programme in 2006/07. It was a credit to the MRB that we could cope with the flexibility required for the day.
Midsumma Carnival is one of our best recruitment opportunities, and our stall, run by MRB members and volunteers, was in a prominent position and attracted a lot of attention. It was our most successful yet in terms of gathering new Friends of the Band and names of prospective new members.
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