17th Annual Pride March

February 5, 2012

It’s more than tradition.

For the 17th consecutive year, the MRB joined with Melbourne’s GLBTI and allied communities to recognises and celebrate the people and events that inspire the courage, solidarity, pride, diversity and strong sense of community of Victoria’s vibrant GLBTI people.

The march down Fitzroy Street seemed to be perfectly timed. Shortly before the band stepped off from the marshalling area the winds that had almost swept us off our feet earlier during our rehearsal died down, giving us ideal conditions for marching.

A huge crowd had lined Fizroy Street and cheered us on as we played the very aptly chosen Born This Way (the Lady Gaga favourite) as well as Firework (Lily Allen).

Having made it down to the end of the march at Catani Gardens, the band members then made their way back to their cars just in time for the clouds to open. Phew!

Thanks go to our friends and supporters for showing their support and entheusiasm, but most of all we thank those true band groupies who marched with us as our colour guard.

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